The last thing JoCo needs is another church. What it really needs is a "Revolution". Jesus Christ had a radical message that countered what this world encouraged. It wasn’t always popular, wasn’t always accepted, but it was revolutionary. It was a message of faith, hope and love. He left it to the church to continue teaching this message. We are to accept others where they are, put their needs before our own and teach them Christ’s life transforming message. At The Revolution we try to model that type of love and make a positive impact on the world. Come join us this Sunday to be apart of The Revolution.
The Revolution:
Where real life and real love collide.
The Revolution is a church made up of people just like you and me. None perfect. But all searching for life’s true purpose.
Revolution Testimonials
Some our families share what The Revolution means to them and why they enjoy coming.
New to The Revolution?
We are a group of normal people, none perfect, who gather together to teach, learn and help others model the teaching of Jesus.
The Revolution can relate with the day to day struggles of life and work and can speak to people in a way connects and makes the bible applicable to life today.